
Although the moon may not be a man, it is still a male!
When I saw this scene, the hot-blooded young man stopped the retreat decisively, and at the same time, his hand was extremely fast, aiming his m16 at Ya’s outstretched arm and then …
M16 has a very long range, and now they are just separated by less than 100 meters, which is too simple for m16!
That shot accidentally hit Ya’s outstretched arm directly!
Almost at the same time, Ya Fei quickly held the figure and drew it back. At the same time, he took off his gloves and threw them in the direction of his arm just now!
I’ve been staring at Yayue nervously, but Xijiangyue was shot by himself, and then the whole person flew out, and the second shot came out unexpectedly …
But this shot fell behind, and the friends sitting in the audience saw the moon clearly and hit a pair of gloves!
However, from his own point of view, he saw a black shadow and he couldn’t tell what it hit!
But the game doesn’t show that the opponent has been killed by himself, so it’s just that the other person is injured, right?
But I didn’t hang up after being shot twice. This Xijiangyue is also very powerful!
In fact, Ya was shot, and that shot was actually wiping his role sleeve because of his own manipulation of the character’s angle. Although it was said that he wiped off a little blood in the past, it did not become his burden.
When everyone enters the game, there are three rounds of ammunition. Once they are all gone, they can make their own dagger with the game body.
In fact, Ya still likes to hold a dagger, and it feels great to stab the opponent’s back neck and chest or eyebrows with a dagger!
It is too difficult to stab your opponent in the eyebrows, and unless you are a special opponent, this is not possible in general!
There are still three rounds in Ya’s hand and one in Yue’s hand!
There’s another bullet!
Thinking of this, holding the lips of Yueya evokes a smile because wearing a mask has buried everything!
Gently picked up his m16 at retreat in the direction of the month is a gun!
Ya Cao’s playing on the moon is very easy, so it’s better to monitor the players and prevent the bad guys. The equipment workers will fuck the characters at random when they see Ya, and then shoot them more casually. Only when Ya can play a ticket.
Anyway, in the eyes of the workers, this one knows the top management of his own company. What will happen if he wins and loses?
It’s not bad for people around. These are just for one vote.
But tilting his head and looking at himself is just separated by a partition, and the partition is not even exposed to the staff at the high position of his waist. The staff member behind Ya felt as if he had missed something in his care.
They didn’t see what they could see on the big screen, but what they were monitoring was the picture in the player’s field of vision. The workers didn’t see a series of sensations or reactions caused by Inya’s shot
Jas’s shot seemed random, but it was very accurate. It directly hit the kneecap that had been hidden behind the box.
A shot exploded in the kneecap, and the blood splashed out on the big screen, and the strange light made the little friends’ backs inexplicably cold!
Blasting in the kneecap won’t kill Moon, but because of the injury, he can temporarily put on a bandage and adjust it in place before he can move on.
And excited by this gun month, he leaned out directly and shot in the elegant direction he could see at the same time!
However, the bandage has been tied, and at the same time, the news has not been received. It has come for nothing. My three rounds of ammunition have been exhausted, but Xijiangyue is actually slightly injured.
Because from that shot just now, if the other person’s arm was seriously injured, that shot could not be so accurate and so fast!
At this time, it was only after the month came that I realized that I was careless from the beginning.
I believe that I have studied a lot of Xijiang monthly exercise videos, that I can understand each other’s routines, and that I can judge what the other party should do next from her action path.
But at this time, I came here for nothing. How outrageous my mistake is.
Life is always a live broadcast, it will not follow the set direction, and it is impossible to take the same road as before.
It’s always an admission that Xijiang’s moon-dancing is thick but it’s still a tactical problem.
Xijiangyue’s performance is different when facing different opponents.
At that time, when the second place came into the competition with high spirits, Xijiangyue felt that the last Xijiangyue shot the other side’s eyebrows and directly crushed the other side’s pride into slag!
Now, when facing yourself, I am afraid of Xijiang Moon. Now, the pressure of playing together is actually not small.
And Xijiangyue’s hand is really not disappointing, fast, accurate and ruthless, leaving no room!
Opponents are opponents and will never release water!
It may be because of the thought of these fucking moons that the boy is a little distracted at this time. In fact, this is a taboo during the game.
He was distracted before the game was over!
At this time, the little friends sitting in front of the screen are holding their breath and staring at the picture on the screen!
And the boy who came with the moon finally reacted after a long time. When something was wrong, he felt that his back was cold, and he gently leaned over with a dagger at his other side and flew over!
Thanks to Lu Wu Qianming Feather A, memory is not old, yaudouq, half city is prosperous and rewarding!
Thank you for some words. I choose to vote for 52 monthly tickets in silence and half the city (there is still one from Jiageng)
It is recommended that Gu Yan, a small partner, seeks the beauty of the moon, "Shengshi seeks makeup". Like a small partner, you can go and see it ~ L
☆, chapter 132 reporter asked (pattern screen reward+)
When the moon came to react, the dagger with unified configuration had plunged into his eyebrows, and the cold voice of unified system also showed that the character was dead!
Houya will rescue the hostages. The game is over!
Looking at a gloomy moon in front of my eyes, I turned my head and looked at myself with a small distance, and my eyes were a little crazy!
This is Xijiang Moon!
If there is any doubt before the game, then this month is coming and I believe this is Xijiang Moon, whom he worshipped for so many years.
Although I don’t know what Xijiangyue was after the game seven years ago, it disappeared.
However, everyone has their own life track, and although they are curious, they don’t ask much.
He wants to know if Xijiang Moon is really here, which is enough!
At this time, the friends at the scene boiled up after a strange silence!
It is said that Xijiangyue shot each other’s eyebrows, and now the friends still remember it.
Seven years later, although there is no more Xijiang Moon in Jianghu, Xijiang Moon is destined to be a wonder!
Even if I haven’t seen you for seven years, my strength is still undiminished!
This dagger plunged into each other’s eyebrows is much more cool than the one shot between the eyebrows!
The friends are eagerly discussing with each other and shouting excitedly. It seems that only in this way can they express their excessive excitement at this time.
And one of the little friends sitting in the back row of Fang Jingshuo excitedly pointed out, "Holding a grass was enough to burst the eyebrows with one shot, but now it’s worth it to come here this month with a dagger!"
Zheng Xian "…"
Please don’t hurt and fall!